At the tender age of 15, twins Lov and Kush Panthi of Yogikuti in Butwal, Rupandehi, have built an automated humanoid robot. The robot named Go-Go obeys its makers’ order just like a human. Twins brothers make the dream come true with their effort, strong dedication, and whims which made them successful in life.
The brothers are now excited seeing their creation making quite a buzz in their school and the neighbourhood.
While the robot can shake hands and receive objects handed by others, it can also attract others by winking its eyes. Besides, it is capable of switching lights on or off, lifting objects, recording and editing videos and photos and posting them on social network sites and writing status. The robot works just like a human with the help of internet and electricity.
The creation was possible after of a year-long effort. Lov-Kush also claim to have developed a software named Lukku. While the robot can search for missing mobiles, it can play live radio and can say the meaning, synonyms and antonyms of given words. It can also play all videos on YouTube and has been equipped with a memory that enables it to translate messages into around 80 languages.
The twin brothers study at Butwal-based Nabin Industrial Kadar Reeta Secondary School in Grade X. “We want to let the world know that we in Nepal made an ultra-modern humanoid robot,” said Kush, adding that they had managed the fund for making the robot by saving their pocket money and asking their parents’ help.
The robot is said to have cost around 100,000 rupees.