Minister of Home Affairs Ram Bahadur Thapa on Sunday called an emergency meeting of all three security agencies — Nepal Police, Armed Police Force and National Investigation Department — under the home ministry and directed their chiefs to put necessary measures in place to ensure protection of life and property across the country.
A source at the ministry told that Thapa was briefed on security situation and the way forward against destructive activities of the Chand-led group.
“Thapa has instructed Nepal Police to conduct fact-finding investigation into the blasts and bring to book perpetrators, whoever they are,” the source said, adding that security agencies were told to come up with new tactics to curb violence.
Kathmandu valley and other districts are on high alert after the bombings. Police are checking suspicious substances and bags at public places, private vehicles and motorbikes.
Sniffer dogs have been mobilised at all transit points of the valley.